© Motoki Nakatani


VIVANTO is the executive producer of  “13 grammes 89” within the framework of the Mondes nouveaux program.

“Produced as part of the program to support artistic creation Mondes nouveaux (one of the components of the French Recovery plan), a vast program launched in 2021 by the Ministry of Culture and renewed until 2025 to put artists back at the center of the game, this girdle puppet show, directed by Brice Coupey, is the project of a group of artists.

It is based on an original castelet, created by Olivier Vadrot, which is installed in an ephemeral way in sites of interest, inside and outside. Elsa Boyer wrote the original texts, which were then adapted into shows for a large audience, while Sarah Tritz designed the puppets and costumes.

This show proposes, in three short acts, to follow the story of four characters: Somewhere on a very distant planet, in the middle of elevators, airlocks, conduits, towers and lasers, everything is not working well. The sounds have just disappeared. Four characters try to organize themselves: 1,2,3,4,5,6, The No, The Planned Adventure and Love. But what to do, how to do it and who decides what to do together? Especially when not everyone has the same desires.”

Free admission within the limits of available seats, reservation is highly recommended: reservations.musees@mairie-charlevillemezieres.fr

Play and puppet manipulation : Maïlys Habonneaud, Julien Ouvrard
Stage direction : Brice Coupey
Sound creation : Jérôme Girard
Puppets and costumes design : Sarah Tritz
Castelet : Olivier Vadrot
Texts : Elsa Boyer
Diffusion : Compagnie l’Alinéa
Executive production : Vivanto